2022s Rising Entrepreneur Goldiie Taylor CEO of Golden Path Media known on IG as @Everything_goldiie has been working non stop for the past 3 years on building a brand and creating positive change. Goldiie created an individual avenue of marketing and has gained great success. She began offering free promotional services that scaled small to large businesses. Thru creative background and business development #PromoQueen has been able to provide quality promotion by creating energetic, sales driving content. Her hardwork and dedication recently paid off as a brand affiliate for Tik Toks trending product Infinity Hoop ( with viral views exceeding 2M ). It appears she is here to stay. Everything Goldiie provides marketing services, dance, modeling, hosting, graphic design, 1-on-1 marketing consultations and evaluations.
On a day to day she inspires people to stick to their crafts, pursue their dreams and walk in their belief. If ever your energy tank is low and going for what’s yours seems hard stop by and fuel up on Gold!
Photo by: @unkle_jessephotographer
Just when you think she’s done there’s more. As apart of a recently launched campaign called Mission “Gold”, #PromoQueen now offers FREE IG evaluations to help take your business to the next level. So whether entertainment, business advice, energy refill or booking services EVERYTHING is GOLD
Stay Connected
IG: @Everything_goldiie
Official Website: www.everythinggoldiie.com
Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/everything_goldiie
Infinity Hoop: https://www.infinity-hoop.com/?afmc=GOLDIIE10&utm_campaign=GOLDIIE10&utm_source=leaddyno&utm_medium=affiliate