Born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Dash is a young artist with a voice that captivates the hearts of anyone who listens to his music. He started his musical journey just three months ago, but his passion and dedication to his craft have already caught the attention of many music lovers.
When Dash was a little boy, his grandmother used to sing to him, and it was then that he discovered his love for music. From that moment, he knew he wanted to follow in the footsteps of his talented family members, including his uncles from “The Williams Brothers” group, and share his gift with the world.
Although he is still beginning his career, Dash has big dreams and aspirations for his future in the music industry. His ultimate goal is to be in a position where he can help his family and those who believe in him to push them to success and put them on the map. In addition, he wants to grow his fan base, have his music played on the radio worldwide, and go platinum.
Despite the challenges and naysayers that he may face, Dash remains focused on his goals and believes in himself. He draws inspiration from his grandmother, who has always believed in him and pushed him to achieve his dreams. Dash’s music reflects his life experiences as he writes about love, heartbreak, and the struggles everyone goes through.
One of his latest releases, “My Type,” is a summer vibe that showcases his talent and ability to make music that resonates with his listeners. Dash writes all his songs and expresses himself through his music, allowing his fans to connect with him on a deeper level.
Dash is an independent artist, and he is determined to make his mark in the music industry. He believes in giving back to his community and wants to inspire the next generation of artists to pursue their dreams. He lives by the motto “truly believe in yourself” and encourages others to have the mindset of getting things done.
Dash is a rising star with a bright future ahead of him. He wants to thank his fans for their support and promises more projects are in the works. He wants to leave a lasting impact and make his family proud. Listen to Dash’s music and join him on his journey to success.
Check Out Dyshon “Dash”
Instagram: dumwaydyshon
YouTube: Dyshon2x
TikTok: Dyshon2x
Snapchat: it’s.dyshonn
Written By Gabby Castro