Written By: Nathaniel Cardenas
Chicago is a breeding ground for incredible artists, it seems like each year there is another one who bursts onto the scene, and Trxppy Almighty is becoming that next great artist. An artist whose sound is equally as unique as his name is rare, but Trxppy Almighty has that. With his name stemming from both the psychedelic vibes, he gives off, along with how he carries himself as a person with faith.
While he has a lot of love for his hometown of Chicago, he doesn’t want to stay stagnant at all. Saying, “I’m not super comfortable staying here for the rest of my life so at some point I’ll relocate but I feel that I still have a lot of unfinished business to take care of here. Wherever God and life takes me is where I’ll go next.”
Being an artist on the rise, Trxppy Almighty is trying to make an impact in not only rap but music in general. He says, “I love that I have a very unique flow that can consist of melodies, hard bars, enlightening lyrics, stretching my vocals, singing, and blitzing tracks even in the same song. As a versatile artist, I view myself as just that and plan to continue to back that up by maximizing my creativity.” His inspiration comes from his early childhood days hanging with his uncle and his friends as they started their own underground group called, “The Outsidaz”. Being around that environment and seeing his uncle and his friends chase their music dreams fueled the fire of his own musical ambitions.
Looking back, one piece of advice Trxppy Almighty wished he knew prior to jumping into the music industry, was that he needed to be well versed in everything involving the music industry. “You basically have to be prepared to build your own table and all of that takes time. I wasn’t initially prepared to take on that challenge so it affected me in terms of consistency and seeing it through, but once I realized it takes time it helped me understand all of that more,” says Trxppy.
You can stream Trxppy Almighty’s new single, “”Sharing My Pain” on SoundCloud and a music video accompanying it on YouTube. Be sure to stay up to date with Trxppy Almighty!
Instagram: trxppy_almighty
Youtube: Trxppy Almighty
Twitter: trxppy_almighty
Music Video for “Sharing My Pain”