PEAK3 is an independent artist from Chicago, Illinois who creates Trapsoul music. His sound comes off as very soulful, but he typically is talking about some type of real-life issue that he has faced or is facing. From growing up in poverty, battling depression, and just trying to figure all this crazy stuff out; all behind some very trappy and melodic sounds. PEAK3 always grew up around music and knew that he always wanted to pursue a career in singing. When writing his music, PEAK3 draws inspiration from personal experiences and life concepts.
When asked what he enjoys most about being a musician, PEAK3 responded, “I enjoy being able to express myself and let other folks hear my story. You never know who is going through or has been through the same things, I find folks are just afraid or refuse to discuss these things, maybe because of some type of judgment. I like how being an artist lets me be unapologetic.”
Aside from music, PEAK3 enjoys going to different restaurants, critiquing the food, and just trying new things. If he could collab with any artist in the industry it would be Young Thug due to his sound and creativity. He is currently working on releasing his first project Psalms and you can check out his music on all streaming platforms!
Instagram: heyitspeak3
Spotify: Peak3